At ISS, everything we do supports the three facets of our mission: Learning, Well-Being and Community. The area of technology is no different. As Chris Lehmann said, “Technology should be like oxygen: ubiquitous, necessary and everywhere.” With that in mind, technology is embedded where appropriate in the learning at ISS.
Early Childhood and Primary School
Students use iPads for creating and reflecting on their work. ISS has increased its emphasis on coding and students use the Sphero robotic ball as well as code.org and other tools to try their hand at programming. Students have also been energised by designing and 3D printing. Our Preschool students benefit from a unique tinkering studio as part of their curriculum and use stop-motion animation, iMovie and SeeSaw to highlight what they have learned in class with others.
Middle School
All students in Middle School (Grades 6-8) have a school-issued iPad. They learn how to make the most out of these devices in the upper Primary School and Grade 6 and then continue to use them as a tool to enhance learning in Grades 7 and 8.
iMovie and Explain Everything are two of our most popular apps for creative work. Google Drive is quickly becoming the standard app for creating and storing documents and files. These are the years where we place a special focus on digital citizenship, making sure children know how to use digital tools.
High School
Our High School students (Grades 9-12) have school-issued MacBook Air laptops (we have been running a 1:1 programme at ISS since 2011).
As in the Middle School, Google Drive is a major part of the students’ workflow. We also encourage students to use their own devices on the guest network and many of them use their own devices when the need arises.
In the High School, technology directly supports the IB approaches to teaching and learning: research skills, communications skills, thinking skills, social skills and self-management skills. For more information about ICT courses: High School Curriculum and Courses.
ISS is a Google Apps for Education school, leveraging the suite of tools that Google offers to communicate and collaborate together. Communication and collaboration are important in encouraging students to be connected to each other and the world. Our goal is that this connection encourages innovation and the pursuit of personal passions. The area of technology and innovation is an exciting one that changes rapidly and keeps everyone in our community on their toes!

David Devey
Director of Technology, Learning and Innovation

I find technology to be a useful addition to the classroom. It is a valuable life skill that will be required of our children to progress through school and into the work force in the future. I’m happy for my child to be receiving this knowledge from a young age. – Kindergarten Parent (2018)