The Middle School – developed for children between 11 – 13/14 years of age (Grades 6-8) – is considered a bridge between the Primary School and High School at the International School of Stavanger.
Our objective is to provide a Middle School programme and curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and academically enriching.
We are especially proud of our vibrant, supportive and enthusiastic environment. The ISS Middle School is specifically designed for the unique and changing physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of students who are progressing from childhood to adolescence.
Our Middle School teachers love teaching this age! They are enthused by this time of adolescence and find productive and creative ways to harness the energy.
Our role is to:
- Support students
- Encourage positive attitudes and relationships
- Teach students strategies and enduring skills that help them become responsible and empowered learners
- Be there when they need help
- Encourage empathy and respect (in general and through a strong curricular and co-curricular service learning programme and pastoral programme)
- Foster global citizenship
- Ensure that the middle school years are a happy and safe time in a student’s life
- Foster a love of ALL kinds of learning
The dedicated and highly professional teachers at ISS bring a total commitment to the well-being of each student every day. We feel confident that your child and family will enjoy our Middle School experience.

Ben Calsbeek
Middle School Principal

This school has completely changed me as a person for the better and I know I will never have an experience like I did here. I hope the school continues to have all the spectacular opportunities. I truly believe this school is one of its own in the best way possible. Thank you again for all that you and the teachers do for us. I have had the best years ever here. I hope to come and visit soon. – Former Middle School Student