Families gravitate to us because we offer a unique education in Stavanger where Learning, Well-being and Community all intersect and the entire family benefits.
Our families believe in an education that creates responsible, globally engaged and empowered learners — an education that has a positive impact long after their time at ISS. In fact, 9 out of 10 former parents, staff and students ranked their ISS experience highly (2019-20 alumni survey) and the majority said, “they wish they could have stayed forever.”
Parents and students have shared many reasons for what makes ISS special and distinctive. Here are key reasons they joined our community:

Fifty Years of Strong Academic Results
“Academic reputation.” It is the number one reason families choose ISS (2014-2017 new parent surveys). With a proven history, we place equal value on ensuring the Preschool child is as prepared for the next move/school as the High School student ready to pursue university or a career path. It is no secret our Primary and Middle School students perform above international school standards while the IGCSE and IB scores of High School students rank well above world averages.
“My daughter graduated from ISS as valedictorian with an excellent result in the IB Diploma, which allowed her to follow her chosen career path of veterinary science. As parents we were thrilled she was so successful in realising her potential and dreams.” – Former High School Parent

Deeply Caring and Experienced Faculty
It is not in every school you find a group of individuals who care so deeply about their students. Our teachers nurture, challenge and give students the attention they deserve. For decades, ISS students have benefited from our talented faculty.
“I am hugely grateful for the committed teachers who really do care, and time after time after time go “above and beyond” to take an interest in the kids and foster a supportive community. Thank you!” – Parent Feedback from 2015-16 Annual Family Survey

Vibrant International Community
An international community representing 50 nations, our students celebrate cultural and individual diversity, creating a richer learning experience for all. Open-minded classroom and hallway conversations expand perspectives and provide an environment for growth.
“I thoroughly valued having an intelligent conversation and presentation about international education and knowing that, at ISS, our children are in expert hands.” – Former Early Childhood and Primary School Parent

A School for the Whole Family
For families in transition, community and trust is critically important. ISS has a warm and welcoming community that parents and students say feels like a family. With the support of parent groups, programmes and events, we make sure families have opportunities to belong and find comfort in their new home.
“ISS is leading the international schools by supporting the whole family … something so important to families who move often. Having some sense of stability when there is so much flux is very important. Thank you for working on creating this stability.” – Former Early Childhood and Primary School Parent

A Holistic, Child-Centred Approach
In today’s world, supporting children with their social/emotional development is a critical foundation for positive academic experiences and healthy interactions with others. Our holistic approach to education embraces 21st century brain research, empowering children to discover strengths and blossom in new ways. It is an approach positively different than what some families have experienced before.
“ISS was the place I discovered who I was as an individual and a person. I would do every part of it again … the highs and lows … friends that were like family. And as someone who works in oil and gas now, I can only hope if I ever have children that I can get them the same experience or similar setting.” – Former ISS Student 2005-2009

Extensive Opportunities
ISS provides all students with the most extensive and inclusive offering of school sports, extracurriculars, service and travel opportunities. Our students find balance, stay active, explore, innovate, inspire, create and have fun.
“The high school play is so much more than a performance. It’s a culmination of hundreds of hours of work, hours of acting, dancing, singing. But also hours of connecting, hours of laughs, and hours of creating something that stays with the cast long after the final blackout.” – High School Student