2024-2025 TUITION

ISS students in Grades 10 (Year 11) – Grade 12 (Year 13) whose tuition fees are fully or partially paid by their parents without sponsorship from other parties (e.g. organisations/companies, ISS scholarships) can apply for a tuition fee grant from Lånekassen (the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund). The responsibility for granting or denying financial support rests fully with Lånekassen.
The maximum amount a student can be granted for 2024-25 is NOK 111 974. If approved, the grant is paid out to the student’s own bank account in two instalments, the first after the application is processed and the second in January. Students apply for one school year at a time, the application deadline is November 15 (for an entire school year) and March 15 (for the spring semester only).
Please see the information on Lånekassen’s website ( and call +47 21 49 60 00 if you have any questions regarding their rules and regulations.
Payment of school fees must be made by the due date on the invoice regardless of when the grant is received by the student/family.